Rachel Kulick, Anicca Cox, Fernanda Dias. 2023. NorthEast Grows: Dismantling Narratives of Assumed Mutuality in a Community-Engaged Permaculture Partnership. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement..
Rachel Kulick. 2022. Imagination Requested: Economic, Environmental, and Social Considerations for Sustainable Local Economies. EBSCO Pathways to Research
Rachel Kulick. 2019. More Time in the Kitchen Less Time on the Streets: The Micropolitics of Cultivating an Ethic of Care in Alternative Food Networks, Local Environment, Volume 24, Issue 1:37-51
Rachel Kulick. 2014. “What do you see that I cannot? Peer Facilitations of Difference and Conflict in the Collective Production of Independent Youth Media,” Interface: a journal for and about social movements Volume 6, Issue 2:301-327
Rachel Kulick. 2014. “Making Media for Themselves: Strategic Dilemmas of Prefigurative Work in Independent Media Outlets,” Social Movement Studies Volume 13, Issue 4
Rachel Kulick. 2014. “Participatory Action Research: A Youth Centered Approach to Planning for a Citywide Youth Media Center” Sage Research Methods Cases.
Rachel Kulick. 2013. “Learning From Each Other: Collective Practices in Making Independent Youth Media” in peer reviewed volume 16, Youth Engagement: The Civic-Political Lives of Children and Youth, in Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, edited by Sandi Nenga and Jessica Taft. Emerald Insight Publishing
Amy Bach, Isabel Castellanos, and Rachel Kulick. 2011. “Youth Channel All-City: Mapping the Media Needs and Interests of Urban Youth,” in Communications Research and Action, edited by Philip Napoli and Minna Aslama, Fordham University Press
Shumlamit Reinharz and Rachel Kulick. 2006. “Reading Between the Lines: Feminist Content Analyses into the 2nd Millennium,”in the Handbook of Feminist Research: Theory and Praxis, edited by Sharlene Hesse-Biber, Sage Publications